VIVE’s day-to-day management:
- Lotte Jensen, CEO
- Mette Deding, Vice Director
- Torben Tranæs, Executive Director of Research
- Hanne Friis Kaas, Executive Director of Resources
- Carsten Strømbæk Pedersen, Head of Research for VIVE Children and Education
- Hans Hummelgaard, Head of Research for VIVE Quantitative Methods
- Kræn Blume Jensen, Head of Research for VIVE Social Policy
- Lisbeth Pedersen, Head of Research for VIVE Work and Late Life
- Mads Leth Jakobsen, Head of Research for VIVE Governance and Management
- Sanne Schioldann Haase, Head of Research for VIVE Health
- Karen Tidemann, Head of Communication
- Magnus Myhre From, Head of Finance
- Hanne Søndergaard Pedersen, Project development manager
Research and analysis at VIVE is organised in six departments:
VIVE Work and Later Life
This department carries out research in two areas, namely employment and integration, and welfare of the elderly. Among the focus areas in employment and integration are how the job market works and how employment interventions are implemented, and with what effects. Other focus areas include social housing interventions and issues relating to the welfare of ethnic minorities and their inclusion in Danish society. Examples of focus areas in the field of elderly care are societal challenges in the aging society, living conditions for the elderly and the organization of care for the elderly.
VIVE Children and Education
This department covers two main areas: vulnerable children and adolescents, and day care and education for children, adolescents and adults. Examples of areas of focus in relation to vulnerable children and adolescents are preventative interventions and care placements. In the field of day-care and education, examples of focus areas are the education and wellbeing of children and adolescents and issues related to transitions. The department also focuses on how children and adolescents with special needs – such as learning difficulties and psychological problems – fare in the education system. Finally, VIVE Children and Education performs research in organisation and management in the social, day-care and education fields, implementation and evaluation of reforms, and specific interventions and their effects.
VIVE Quantitative Methods
This department focuses on determining which public interventions provide the best outcomes for society relative to their cost. The department provides a strong analysis and research environment where the staff use advanced statistical analysis methods for effect measurement and socio-economic analysis, including cost-benefit analysis and various methods for measuring quality and preferences. The department also hosts the Nordic Campbell Collaboration centre , carries out systematic research reviews of effect measurements of public interventions, and works in close collaboration with VIVE’s other departments in their respective fields.
VIVE Social Policy
This department focuses on social policy, social interventions and social conditions for the whole of the Danish population. It focuses on the life circumstances of the whole populace, but especially those of vulnerable groups. Among the subjects studied are social marginalisation, social stratification and poverty. The department looks at how municipalities and practitioners translate social policy into actual practice, and how specific interventions work. Furthermore, the department focuses on family policy, including issues relating to divorce and to employment leave, and on the relationship between family life and work.
VIVE Governance and Management
This department focuses on governance, management, organisation and productivity in the public sector, at the national, regional and municipal levels. It investigates the use of resources in the public sector and examines the effects that governance and management models have on quality, results and expenditure, as well as on employees’ motivation and performance. Other areas of interest for the department include financial management, cross-sectoral solutions, public-private sector interactions, performance management and implementation. The department also hosts ECO-Nøgletal, an organisation used by Danish municipalities for their statistics . It also works in close collaboration with VIVE’s other departments in their respective fields.
VIVE Health
This department focuses on the physical and psychological health of the population and on the institutions, organisations and interventions aiming to improve health in the Danish population. The department focuses on all groups in the population, from unborn babies through children, adolescents and adults to elderly patients in the health care system. There is also a focus on organisations and institutions working to achieve better health, e.g. hospitals, general practitioners, volunteer organisations and municipal authorities. The department also examines the intersection between health and social interventions, as well as interactions with the employment area.